Ramadhan tahun x mcm 5 tahun dulu2...dulu time buka kawan byk sgt...makan pun mewah2...
sekarang kawan ade tapi mcm sunyi sikit,makan pun boleh la..janji kenyang.huuhuhu.. rindu giler time kat atpn dulu...tapi paling best time form 5 la...seriously...time tu trial spm so..dalam kol 6.30 amik la makan..letak makan atas meja..tutup la..n terusla bla...sambil tunggu masuk waktu berbuka kenala bace buku.. x pun ade tgk cte upin ipin.hahahaa..kebiasaan 10 minit sebelum berbuka sume dak ostel dari junior to super senior dah kumpul dalam dewan makan...biase la...kalo kat 200++ of couse la bising giler...time la form 5' main peranan'.hahaha..kan bising sgt so.. x men la jerit2 kate"woi diam la"kitaorg ade cara sendiri...biase salah sorg dak form 5 akan kate..cth la..aku kate"wei sue diam la!bising aje.dah nak buke ni!"konfirm muke sue terkejut..dier kate la x pasal2 aku lak.time tu satu dewan terus diam.hahaha..tapi lepas tu bising la balik..biase la..kalo dulu lepas buke solat jemaah maghrib ,solat isyak baru la terawih..best siot...ramai2 suasane surau pun best..terang n ceria..berbanding kat sekarang kat ostel kptm.mcm x ramai aje..dulu ramai kat atpn ramai.pastu kita org salo terawih kat masjid..kadag2 kat masjid belakang asrama,kadg2 kat masjid klcc.tapi paling best masjid klcc.khusuk giler...suare pak imam pun besh..sejuk lak tu (ade aircond)...

aduh..rindu nye time tue..apa pun aku rindu giler kat dak2 ostel 04~08..wei biler nak jumpe dowh..lame giler x jumpe..aku ade ckp kat dee yg aku nak kawan kite jumpe balik..wat reunion la.lagi ppun dee,adha n farah diana nak gi dak eygpt..bakal doktor tu...so apapun aku nanti datang umah dee.kalo x de pape halangan..hu..lame giler kot nak jumpe dee nanti dah la dier tiap tahun balik sekali aje..hmm x pe la..apa pun jom la kite kuar.

mid term exam nagh bejalan sekarang aduh pening2...dah la x biase waktu exam kat kolej..coz 1st time..kat hall exam sejibik mcm spm hall.giler ketat..nak id la..slip kedatangan exam la..cume leh bwaka phone aje.tu pun kena letak kat bawah...x pe la x lame pun nak belajar..brape tahun aje...dip + ijazah=5 tahun aku under uitm...ok wat...insyaalah kalo result bagus mara offer gi sambung overseas...lagi pun aku rase bertuah aku under mara+uitm..huhuhu..ade byk kelebihan..kan2 x semestinya result x byk a x der peluang..ade peluang..so kena la peluang tu baik2..x semu org bertuah dapat peluang kedua..

I just cant understand the hearts of men
they tell you they want you and then they leave you
this is the first time, you're special
I believed those words and I was so happy

you should have told me you didn't like me any more
but I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
although I will curse you I'll still miss you
since I am a girl, to whom love is everything

i heard that if you give up things too easily
to a man, he will get bored with you
i don't think this is wrong
a girl says that she will never be fooled again
but she will fall in love again

you should have told me you didn't like me any more
but I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
although I will curse you I'll still miss you
since I am a girl, to whom love is everything

Hey babe
the pain
it's not enough to describe how i feel
we were so happy together
but I know now
I've been blind
you told me that you'd never let me down
whenever I needed you you'd always be here
I can forgive but I cant forget
even though you hurt me
I still love you
I still love you

don't take advantage of a girl's willingness to do anything for love
and her caring instinct
i didn't know that to be born as a girl and to be loved was so hard
although i will curse you i'll still miss you
since i am a girl, to whom love is everything
although i will curse you i'll still miss you
since i am a girl, to whom love is everything

There's someone I'm in love with...
Although I can't be with her now...
I'm still in love with her...